Your Future Awaits
Seed OK supports your education and career goals. Direct your SEED OK money to your college or Career Tech for tuition, books, fees, and more!1

Need money early?
If you are already attending a college or Career Tech an early withdrawal form is available by emailing
After your 18th Birthday
A Withdrawal Request Form will be available in 2025.
Required information includes: Contact (name, address, phone number) at the eligible school where postsecondary tuition bills are paid, your Student ID Number, your address, phone number and email. Find eligible Federal school code here.
Find out how much money—look on the account statement mailed to you each January by Oklahoma 529. Or, call 877-654-7284 to get the current balance.
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In 2007, babies born in OK were selected at random to participate in the SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK) research study. After your parent agreed, SEED OK deposited $1,000 for you into a scholarship account in Oklahoma 529. The $1,000 deposit for education or training after high school has grown over the years. When you, as a SEED OK Participant, are at least 18, are enrolled at an eligible school, and have qualified education expenses, you can request that SEED OK money be sent to your school.
SEED OK is a free scholarship account. It does not cost Participants or their families anything. The money comes from private donors, not any taxpayer dollars.
See how much money is in your SEED OK account on statements mailed to you by OK529 each year in the first week of January. You can also check the current balance by calling Oklahoma 529 at 877-654-7284. Tell the representative that you are a SEED OK Participant. You will need your Social Security Number.
Click here to view a sample statement.
If you, as a Participant do not receive statements each year from Oklahoma 529, call the State of Oklahoma Treasurer’s Office at 866-733-3465 to update your address.
The Beneficiary listed on an OK529 account statement is the SEED OK Participant who will use the money for school. The Beneficiary cannot be changed unless the original Beneficiary has died or is permanently disabled. In that event, call the State of Oklahoma Treasurer’s Office at 866-733-3465.
Don’t miss any communications about SEED OK. Call 866-733-3465 to make sure the State of Oklahoma Treasurer’s Office has your current address and other contact information.
SEED OK money can be used to pay for qualified expenses at thousands of eligible colleges, universities, community colleges, CareerTech centers and more. To check if a specific school qualifies as an eligible educational institution, use the Federal School Code Search tool on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) website. If the school has a FAFSA code, then it’s eligible.
Qualified higher education expenses include tuition, certain room and board expenses, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for the enrollment and attendance of the Participant at an eligible educational institution. Qualified higher education expenses also include certain additional enrollment and attendance costs at eligible educational institutions for those with special needs.
A Participant must be at least 18 years old and enrolled at an eligible educational institution to request a SEED OK withdrawal. A Withdrawal Request Form will be available on this web page in 2025.
A Participant who is 18 or older and enrolled at an eligible educational institution must complete an online SEED OK Withdrawal Request form which will be available on the page you are currently viewing (, in 2025. SEED OK money will be sent directly to an eligible school on behalf of the SEED OK Participant. In no case will the money be sent to a Participant.
A Participant who is not yet 18 and who has qualified education expenses, may have a parent or guardian request an exception for early withdrawal by calling the State of Oklahoma Treasurer’s office at 866-733-3465.
No. SEED OK money is owned by the State of Oklahoma and does not need to be reported on the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Once withdrawn, it’s considered a scholarship from SEED OK.
Yes, SEED OK money must be used in full before the Participant is age 30.
No, the money is only for the original SEED OK Participant, except in the case of death or permanent disability (the Participant can never attend an eligible school). In those limited situations, money in a SEED OK account may be used by a sibling of the deceased or disabled Participant. The parent or legal guardian on record can call the State of Oklahoma Treasurer’s Office at 866-733-3465 for more information.
SEED OK money can be used for qualified education expenses after high school regardless of where the Participant lives. Call 866-733-3465 to make sure that the State of Oklahoma Treasurer’s Office has the Participant's current address and other contact information.
College Planning Resources
Plan now for your education after high school by visiting the Oklahoma and Federal sites below. Also, ask your high school college guidance counselor for help getting started.
Prepare for education after high school: and
Learn about Pell Grants and how to apply for them. Pell Grants provide money to help pay for college, university, CareerTech or community college for students from families with financial need.
Understand Oklahoma higher education financial resources with
Explore Oklahoma universities, colleges and CareerTech.
Learn about Federal Student Aid and the Free Application for Federal Financial Student Aid (FAFSA).
Find and apply for scholarships.