Enrollment Year Option

Consider this if: You’re looking for an all-in-one solution to manage your savings over the long term without extra work on your part.

Our Enrollment Year Option makes things simple for you—maybe that’s why it’s our most popular option. You simply pick the one that matches the year your child will enter college, and the asset allocation adjusts over the years to become more conservative as the enrollment year approaches. It's a great way to minimize risk as you get closer and closer to using your account to pay for Qualified Education Expenses.

Enrollment Year Investment Options

The following table lists the available Enrollment Year Options effective March 21, 2025, as well as the approximate age of a beneficiary for whom you may want to select such Investment Options. Effective March 21, the 2024/2025 Enrollment Option was merged into the In School Option and the 2042/2043 Enrollment Option was launched. It is anticipated that a new Enrollment Option will be added approximately every two years.

Investment Option Name Years until savings is needed
2042/2043 Enrollment Option 17+ Years
2040/2041 Enrollment Option 15-16 Years
2038/2039 Enrollment Option 13-14 Years
2036/2037 Enrollment Option 11-12 Years
2034/2035 Enrollment Option 9-10 Years
2032/2033 Enrollment Option 7-8 Years
2030/2031 Enrollment Option 5-6 Years
2028/2029 Enrollment Option 3-4 Years
2026/2027 Enrollment Option 1-2 Years
In School Enrollment Option Now

The investment options are subject to the risks of the underlying funds including the loss of principal.

Enrollment Year Investment Option GlidePath

How does it work?

For each Enrollment Option, the allocation or mix of equities, bonds and capital preservation adjusts automatically to become more conservative as the enrollment year approaches.

  • Equity
  • Fixed Income
  • Capital Preservation
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Ideal for All Education Savings Goals

Families can also take advantage of the versatility of the Enrollment Year Investment Option to save for all types of qualified education expenses, including college/university, community college, CareerTech centers, professional and graduate schools, apprenticeship expenses, and K-12 tuition.*

  1. *Withdrawals for tuition expenses at a public, private or religious elementary, middle, or high school, or registered apprenticeship programs can be withdrawn free from federal and Oklahoma income tax. If you are not an Oklahoma taxpayer, these withdrawals may include recapture of tax deduction, state income tax as well as penalties. You should talk to a qualified professional about how tax provisions affect your circumstances.

    K-12 withdrawals are limited to $10,000 per year for K-12 tuition. Apprenticeship programs must be registered and certified with the Secretary of Labor under the National Apprenticeship Act.

Understand Your Risk Tolerance Level

What level of risk are you comfortable with? You can find out by answering our Risk Tolerance questions. If you are a conservative investor, you may wish to choose an earlier enrollment year fund regardless of the year your future student begins 4-year college/university, community college or CareerTech. More aggressive investors can select a later date. Investors aligning with their risk tolerance or seeking particular investment objectives can view asset allocation across enrollment year dates above to help guide their decision.

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