Fees & Expenses

The information below describes the fees and expenses that you would pay if you contributed to a particular Investment Option in Oklahoma 529. These fees are indirectly paid out of the assets of your account. Except for the fees listed below, there are currently no other fees, charges or penalties imposed by or payable to the Plan in connection with opening or maintaining an account.

Investment Option Direct Plan Manager Fee(1)(2) Oklahoma Administrative Fee Estimated Expenses of an Investment Option's Underlying Investment(3) Total Annual Asset-Based Fees(4)
2042/2043 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.10% 0.20%
2040/2041 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.10% 0.20%
2038/2039 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.10% 0.20%
2036/2037 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.10% 0.20%
2034/2035 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.10% 0.20%
2032/2033 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.10% 0.20%
2030/2031 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.10% 0.20%
2028/2029 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.10% 0.20%
2026/2027 Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.07% 0.17%
In School Enrollment Option 0.10% None 0.06% 0.16%


  1. 1Although the Direct Plan Manager Fee is deducted from an Investment Option, not from your Account, each Account in the Investment Option indirectly bears its pro rata share of the Direct Plan Manager Fee as this fee reduces the Investment Option’s return.
  2. 2Each Investment Option (with the exception of the Guaranteed Option) pays the Direct Plan Manager a fee at an annual rate of 0.10% (10 basis points) of the average daily net assets held by that Investment Option.
  3. 3The percentages set forth in this column are based on the expense ratios of the mutual funds in which an Investment Option invests. The percentages are calculated using the expense ratio reported in each mutual fund’s most recent prospectus available prior to the printing of this Supplement and are weighted according to the Investment Option’s allocation among the mutual funds in which it invests.The amounts are calculated using the expense ratio reported in each fund’s prospectus effective as December 31, 2024, and are weighted according to the Option’s allocation among the mutual funds in which it invests. Although these expenses are not deducted from an Investment Option’s assets, each Investment Option (other than the Guaranteed Option, which does not invest in mutual funds) indirectly bears its pro rata share of the expenses of the mutual funds in which it invests, as these expenses reduce each such mutual fund’s return.
  4. 4These figures represent the estimated weighted annual expense ratios of the mutual funds in which the Investment Options invest plus the fee paid to the Direct Plan Manager.

Investment Option Direct Plan Manager Fee(1)(2) Oklahoma Administrative Fee Estimated Expenses of an Investment Option's Underlying Investment(3) Total Annual Asset-Based Fees(4)
Diversified Equity Option 0.10% None 0.26% 0.36%
Global Equity Index Option 0.10% None 0.09% 0.19%
Balanced Option 0.10% None 0.25% 0.35%
Fixed Income Option 0.10% None 0.14% 0.24%
U.S. Equity Index Option 0.10% None 0.05% 0.15%


  1. 1Although the Direct Plan Manager Fee is deducted from an Investment Option, not from your Account, each Account in the Investment Option indirectly bears its pro rata share of the Direct Plan Manager Fee as this fee reduces the Investment Option’s return.
  2. 2Each Investment Option (with the exception of the Guaranteed Option) pays the Direct Plan Manager a fee at an annual rate of 0.10% (10 basis points) of the average daily net assets held by that Investment Option.
  3. 3The percentages set forth in this column are based on the expense ratios of the mutual funds in which an Investment Option invests. The percentages are calculated using the expense ratio reported in each mutual fund’s most recent prospectus available prior to the printing of this Supplement and are weighted according to the Investment Option’s allocation among the mutual funds in which it invests.The amounts are calculated using the expense ratio reported in each fund’s prospectus effective as December 31, 2024, and are weighted according to the Option’s allocation among the mutual funds in which it invests. Although these expenses are not deducted from an Investment Option’s assets, each Investment Option (other than the Guaranteed Option, which does not invest in mutual funds) indirectly bears its pro rata share of the expenses of the mutual funds in which it invests, as these expenses reduce each such mutual fund’s return.
  4. 4These figures represent the estimated weighted annual expense ratios of the mutual funds in which the Investment Options invest plus the fee paid to the Direct Plan Manager.

Investment Option(1) Direct Plan Manager Fee Oklahoma Administrative Fee Estimated Expenses of an Investment Option's Underlying Investment Total Annual Asset-Based Fees
Guaranteed Option N/A N/A N/A N/A


  1. 1The Guaranteed Option does not pay a Direct Plan Manager Fee. TIAA-CREF Life Insurance Company (“TIAA-CREF Life”), the issuer of the funding agreement in which this Investment Option invests and an affiliate of TFI, makes payments to the Direct Plan Manager. This payment, among many other factors, is considered by the issuer when determining the interest rate(s) credited under the funding agreement.